Windows – looking for a .JEF embroidery file browser for 64-bit Windows 7

64-bitwindows 7

I have been looking for a way to view .jef embroidery files in a 64-bit Windows 7 install. the Janome software DOES NOT work on 64-bit, and I get the impression from the forums that they are not planning on making a 64-bit version any time soon.

My question is: Does anyone know of a .JEF viewer for a 64-bit Windows 7 computer.

Free / inexpensive would be nice but not required.
I don't want to have to open individual files one at a time to do this.

Best Answer

I found some products, one free and others commercial. They are mostly converters, but these include viewers as well. The commercial ones have trial versions that you can use to evaluate. For most of them, it is unclear from the documentation whether they allow viewing a directory, so one has to try.

FREE Thread Converter Pro III
SewArt (various prices with trials)
Embird (costly at $144, but it seems to contain a viewer)

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