Windows – List Mapped Drives of All Users

scriptwindows xpwindows-registry

I often have to replicate the mapping of drives of one machine to another. While I know how to easily output the data for the CURRENT user I have not found a way of doing this for others who are not currently logged on which for various reasons I need to be able to do.

I've tried in vain finding the data in the registry (once again I can find the mapped drives of the CURRENT user in HKCU\NETWORK but not for other users) and my searches on the internet haven't been too useful either so any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

In Hkey_USERS all these wierd Id tag things S-1-5-21-1017659469-3233765421-1457166851-500 are the Users both current and non current. there is a network folder in each of them. there is also CurrentControlSets and all the other usual stuff.

it is just a matter of finding the user TYPE Like 500 is admin, and a USER might be a 1000, like this HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1272468093-1708547768-1957994088-1006

I have always seen all the users that are created in XP ? (or thought I did) But I dont really have users. So if that doesnt work, then it would be loading in thier Hive or Hve , to work with it. which is different.

(the above IDs are munged, and not actual)

Google search for how to Map network drives at log-in of users using scriipting

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