Windows – List All User Accounts on a Windows System via Command Line

command lineuser-accountswindows

I would like a command to list all of the user accounts in a Windows (Vista, 7, etc.) system in a way that I can use to iterate through them with a subsequent command.

net user gives me the data for which I'm searching, but it adds a bunch of other junk that would cause difficulty in parsing the users.

Ideally, I would receive output like:

> usercommand

Best Answer

If you want to iterate through users strictly in the Windows command line, the easiest way would be a combination of wmic and a for loop.

for /f "tokens=* skip=1" %%a in ('wmic UserAccount get Name') do (
    if not "%%a"=="" (
        :: %%a is a variable containing an account name

The heart of the command is wmic UserAccount get Name, which should print out a list of accounts. You may wish to do some filtering, like Karan did in his VBScript answer, with something like wmic UserAccount where "LocalAccount=True" get Name. Any field is filterable; to view all of them, use wmic UserAccount get (omitting Name).

The for loop is simply used to parse the command output. It skips the first line (which prints the column heading), and the last line is skipped with the if command, since it is empty. See for /? for more information.

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