Windows – Killing a program from the start menu in windows 8

start-screentask-managerwindows 8

Occasionally, I have a program that freezes, and then refuses to give the screen to me so I can use the normal task manager to kill it, and no amount of alt-tabbing or ctrl-alt-deleting can get rid of it.

In old versions of windows, this was a situation where I said goodbye to any unsaved work and hit the power button. However, with windows 8, I have found that I can still access the start screen – and this gives me a significant amount of hope that there is a way to kill a program from the start screen.

Unfortunately, my searches for task managing apps on the windows 8 app store are fruitless, because as you might or might not expect, todo list making apps are all that come up (people really spend more time organising their todo lists than killing unresponsive programs??). Also a search for a start screen based command line turned up nothing but command line dictionaries.

Is there a way, through a specific app or other wise, that I can kill a program that is running on my computer solely using the start screen?

Best Answer

No you can not, however you can easily launch task manager with "CTRL" + "SHIFT" + "ESC" (faster than CTRL ALT DEL to bring up; no menus). Also, you can right click in the lower left corner of your screen and hit "Task Manager". Once you're there, just right click on the betraying program and hit "Go to details" and right click again and click on the end task button. Sometimes I have seen with Java applications it will go to "explore.exe" if it is listed multiple times. DO NOT close this; it will close out of your desktop and taskbar. You'll have to shut it down with task manager or another trick like shortcuts (or open it back up with task manager. EDIT: If you do this out of stupidity, to shut down, you'll have to do WIN + L to lock the account which gives you the option to shut down. I did this just to see how to do this but...

It is one easy way to get rid of metro :D)

Task manager

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