Windows – I’ve misconfigured Windows so that Metro apps are no longer shown in the Alt+Tab switcher. How to undo the mistake

alt-tabmodern-uisystem-preferenceswindows 8.1windows-store

By default, Windows 8.1 shows both Metro apps (Windows Store apps) and desktop apps in the Alt+Tab switcher. However, I have somehow changed some setting so that Metro apps are no longer shown in the switcher. I don't know how to fix the problem. Does anyone know where the relevant setting is?

Best Answer

I think I found the solution. In Windows 8 , the option was in a more obvious place (if i remember correctly), but in 8.1 it has been moved to:

Win → Search for "Corner and edge settings" → Select "Allow switching between recent apps"

This seems to restore the metro tabs to both the taskbar and the Alt+Tab switcher

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