Windows – Issues with internet after sleep mode

connectioninternetsleepwindowswindows 7

i have a weird issue that started happening a few days ago, for no reason (no new software was installed or windows update was done when it happened the first time).

Just like most people, i rarely shut down my pc, i just put it to sleep till i need it.
My problem is that lately, my internet connection has been practically useless when i wake it up, i'm forced to restart the computer if i want to be able to use internet without issues.

When it wakes, it reconnects to the router without problems, it says there's internet but browsers, steam, etc cannot connect to the internet, i can't even ping the websites from the cmd but weirdly enough, skype sometimes still works when that happens.
I can't even access the admin web page of the router i'm connected to (the 192.168 something)…
I dont think it is the router since its only this pc that has this issue (other devices work fine), plus i've hard reset it and i still had that issue when the router was again up and my pc connected to it.

Also, reconnecting or even removing and plugging in the wifi adapter again doesn't do anything, it connects to the router, says theres internet but i still have that issue.

Even stranger is, if i wait long enough ( 5-10 minutes), it magically starts working fine and i can access websites and do stuff normally, sadly its not permanent and only lasts for a couple dozen minutes before starting acting weird again, the process then repeats (works, stops working…).

Its really annoying because its such a weird issue and the only solution i have for now is to shutdown the pc instead of putting it to sleep.

Any tips?


Best Answer

I Turned the power setting OFF (i.e. UNCHECKED the "turn off the device to save power" setting) and it is now working fine.

To answer Scott's comment and anyone looking for this setting, this is how to reach it:

  1. Device Manager

  2. Network adapters

  3. Double-click the adapter pertaining to the network connection of interest

  4. Click the Power Management Tab

  5. UNCHECK "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power"

This is the same answer Brian gave the next day. I am performing some tests to see if it speeds up reconnection to the Internet after waking up from sleep.

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