Windows – Is there way to use Windows Easy Transfer on Windows Server 2008

migrationwindows server 2008windows-easy-transfer

At work, I'd been experimenting with using Windows Server 2008 as a desktop machine – I'm a s/w developer so some of the server software was particularly appropriate, but back in the day there was a suggestion that Server 2008 would be faster than Vista (mainly because of less bloat).

I'm now wanting to move across to a new Windows 7 workstation; not only does Server 2008 not have Windows Easy Transfer, but I can't attack the problem from the Windows 7 end either – when I try to run the migration wizard it claims that the software 'isnt compatible with this version of Windows'. I'd bet that it would work fine, if only it wasn't for the arbitrary version check…

Is there any way to coax this software into working?

If not, any good alternatives to Windows Easy Transfer – I don't fancy having to manually copy application settings etc across myself…

Best Answer

Windows Easy Transfer is not functionnal under Windows 2008 Server. What I suggest to you os to use a third party software. There is 2 software that I'd use here they are:

Norton Ghost: Best recovery/backup software that I've used so far. Works fine, works fast and no pain using it.

The second one is Acronis. Same thing as Norton Ghost, it's powerfull and the recovery process is really painless.

I don't know when or if Microsoft will make a functionnal version for servers but I hope since it's working really nice for workstations OS.

Hope this will help!


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