Windows – Is it possible to force a credential check every time a network share is opened in Windows 7

credentialspasswordsshare-credentialswindows 7

I am running Windows 7 Ultimate and I have mapped a network share to a drive letter. The first time that I open the share, I am prompted for login credentials as expected. I do not select the "Remember my credentials" checkbox and can login successfully, but every time that I re-open the share during the session, I do not need to re-enter my credentials.

Is there any way to force a credential check every time that I re-open the share? I do not want to perform a reboot every time that I want to "re-lock" the share.

Best Answer

I don't think that there is necessarily a way to do this automatically. That may yield unexpected results each time you browse a folder or try to copy one (or multiple) files. However, you can look to see which network shares you have accessed and remove if needed.

I can see this valuable if you need to move away from your computer and do not wish to reboot to clear the sessions and/or if someone may hop onto your computer and you do not want them getting fancy with browsing your network and seeing a share with credentials already entered.

You can open a command prompt: Start > Run > CMD

Type rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr

From here you can remove authenticated network shares so that the next time you will have to type in the credentials again. I know that this isn't exactly what you're looking for, but may be an alternative.

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