Windows – Is C:\Windows\syswow64\Explorer.exe a virus

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I was recently playing CS:GO, and I noticed it was more laggy than usual, so I decided to check Task Manager. I then noticed that Windows Explorer was using ALOT of CPU, so, I looked at the "command line", and it said


So not thinking, I though "It must be doing something", until I decided to end it, but it didn't do the normal thing where you have to start it up again, and then I found another "Explorer.exe", hardly using any CPU, but this time, in


Heres a screenshot of the location, in windows explorer:

Screenshot of C:\Windows\syswow64\Explorer.exe

Here is a screenshot of Task Manager, filtered to highest CPU Usage:

Screenshot of Taskmanager, filtered to highest CPU usage

After looking at alot of forums and stuff, I don't know if its a virus or not 😛

Anyway, if anyone could answer, that would be great


Best Answer

Upload file in question to to be sure it isn't malicious substitution.
C:\Windows\syswow64\Explorer.exe itself is legitimate program on windows

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