Windows internet speed test

command linewgetwindows 8

I am trying to check the internet speed from my windows 8 laptop over a period of say 24 hours. So I would like to repeatedly run a command to test the speed. Various websites (e.g. suggest using the wget command to download a small file.

wget -O /dev/null from within MobaXterm or the Windows Command prompt.

However, there are two issues: 1) The download speed given is ~ an order of magnitude less than various online sites (e.g.

2) I'm unable to direct the output to a file so that I can run the command repeatedly and assess the result.

The speeds from the websites seem more realistic (~10 MB/s vs 0.5 MB.s from wget) but I don't know how to run these from the command line and extract the results.

Best Answer

Apologies for the late answer, but you can use the command-line tool available here:

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