Windows – Internet Explorer 11 stopped working (on Windows 8.1)

internet explorerinternet-explorer-11windows 8.1

I am using Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 8.1 and it has stopped working in the sense that it does not open anything except a white page and most of the settings are greyed out. Early this morning it started doing this for new tabs, I decided to restart my PC and now it is like this. I have tried disabling and then reeanbling in Windows features to no avail. Any ideas?

Here is a screenshot
enter image description here

Best Answer

For me the same symptoms were caused by leaving Developer Tools console open when closing Internet Explorer (after fixing the problem I tried and succeeded in recreating the problem, by leaving it open again).

The fix for this situation:

  1. open Internet Explorer (No Add-ons)
  2. open Developer Console
  3. close Developer Console
  4. quit browser
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