Windows – Installed Google Chrome 64 bit, but am I launching the 32 or 64 bit version

64-bitgoogle-chromewindowswindows 8windows 8.1

I installed Chrome 64 bit, but am I running the 64 bit version?

I went to Control Panel\System and Security\System to confirm that I'm running an 64 bit version of Windows on an x64 bit processor.

I don't have a folder C:\Program Files\Google, but I do have a folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application.

When I to go task manager, I see that Google Chrome (32 bit) is running.

When I go to Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features, I only Google Chrome listed one time.

This is the 2nd computer that I'm seeing this on.

Best Answer

This happened with me as well. Confirm that you downloaded the correct installer (64bit). Then quit Chrome completely and restart it. Go to the settings menu (hamburger icon) > About Chrome (chrome://chrome/). Under the version number, there will be a message about an update and a button that says "Relaunch." Click on that button to update Chrome properly.

When you go on the page after this, the version number should say "Version 37.0.x (64-bit)". I believe this happens because Chrome doesn't really close itself and keeps running in the background, so a manual relaunch is required to make the switch.