Windows – Install .NET Framework 3.5 on Mac through Crossover (Wine)

.net frameworkcrossoveremulationmacwindows

I'm trying to run a piece of software (ConnectWise PSA) on my Mac without having to run Parallels. I'm running Parallels now, but want to get away from it if possible.

I use CrossOver, a Windows emulator based on Wine. ConnectWise requires .NET Framework 3.5 to run. According to CodeWeavers (CrossOver creator), it seems like I can install the .NET Framework 3.5. The problem I'm running into is that in order to install .NET Framework 3.5, you have to install .NET Framework 2.0, 2.0 SP1, 3.0, 3.0 SP1 and then 3.5. I can't seem to get past 2.0 SP1.

I created a new WinXP bottle to test this out on and was able to install 2.0 with no issues. When it gets to the point when it's going to install 2.0 SP1, it gives this error message:

enter image description here

I'm not sure why I'm getting this since I'm running a Windows XP emulator.

Does anyone know a workaround for installing .NET Framework in CrossOver or can anyone think of a better way of doing this?

Best Answer

Are you sure it's supported, because CodeWeavers states otherwise.

Furthermore, I would suggest you give Wine a try, couldn't hurt. Look here for more info.

Hope this helps.

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