Windows – install multiple Windows instance on the same computer

multiple instanceswindows 8

I've finished building a new PC which will be used for development. As I have a full-time project for one major client and multiple small (hobby) projects for different small clients I want to separate the development environments.

Can I install 2 instances of Windows 8 Professional on the same computer (different drives or partitions)? (And I'm not talking about the license restrictions.)

Bonus questions:

  • Can I share a 3th partition with both instances. If so, I suppose it best is a FAT32 partition?
    • Pro: No security issues (ownership, read-write permissions, …)
    • Con: 4GB file limit
  • I suppose it is not a problem to install a Linux instance next to those Windows instances, right?

Best Answer

Use the native VDH Boot feature which was added with Windows 7. Convert the WIM to a VHD

enter image description here

and add it to the Boot Manager.. During boot you can now select the different OS version and they look and feel like real partitions, but the data are stored in a larger VHD, which you can easily backup and move to a different folder.