Windows – In Windows Chrome, how can I reduce the scroll wheel speed, including in the developer tools

google-chromemousescroll-wheelscrollingwindows 7

Running Windows 7 and Chrome. For some reason, one tick of my scroll wheel jumps something like 20-30 lines at one time, far too fast. It's most annoying when trying to use the developer tools, especially the Javascript console and the element inspector.

The Windows setting for scroll wheel speed does have an effect, but to make it reasonable in Chrome I have to set it to its minimum value, and even then Chrome is still too fast, and of course then every other application is too slow.

There are extensions that change the scroll wheel behavior in Chrome, but they don't have any effect on the developer tools, so it's no good to me in this case.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Best Answer

Are you running KatMouse? I was having this same problem recently, but I found that Chrome scrolled naturally when I turned off KatMouse.

Setting KatMouse to ignore chrome.exe didn't have any effect, but setting special handling for the Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND class let KatMouse play nice with Chrome. I used these instructions from . First, right click on the KatMouse icon and choose Settings.

Then, switch to “Classes” tab and start Google Chrome: drag and drop the KatMouse “target” icon to the main section of Chrome windows (the one where web sites are rendered); you’ll see a new item named “Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND” in the KatMouse list: double click it and choose “Custom scroll”, then set it to “1” and confirm with OK.

This worked for both the page content and the element inspector.

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