Windows – In Windows 7 Where/what are (if any) the settings that bypass the switch user screen and go directly to the authenication screen

windowswindows 7windows-registry

I have Group Policy set from windows 2008R2 domain controllers. The clients are all Windows 7 (Ultimate) machines. I have a group policy set that locks the clients after 5 minutes of inactivity. Each work station has one user signed in, all users have roaming profiles.

When starting from the lock screen, users enter Ctl + Alt + Del and go to the authentication screen. For one user, instead of the authentication screen…the switch user screen appears, with only one profile to select.

This user is the only user logged in. When logging into her account on a different station, Windows goes from the lock screen to the authentication screen. This makes me think that it's a registry setting, somewhere in HKLM or HKCU, however I haven't been able to find any information about the lock screen or change user registry settings.

Lock Screen:

Lock Screen

Select User Screen (the screen I want to bypass):

Select User

Authentication Screen (I want to go directly here):


Best Answer

How about disabling the fast-user-switching in registry?

try with the following :

1)Start -> run --> regedit

2)Navigate to


3)In right-side pane, create a new DWORD value HideFastUserSwitching and set its value to 1

Now with this setting Switch User option will be disabled from Welcome screen as well as from Shutdown menu.

this will help you to bypass the user selection screen.

hope it helps

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