Windows – IE11 – Registry key to enable menu bar and favorites bar to all users

internet-explorer-11windows 7windows-registry

I am upgrading Windows-7 Service Pack-1, 32-bit computers from Internet Explorer-8 to Internet Explorer-11. After the upgrade is complete, the Menu bar and Favorites bars do not show up when non-admin users log in. Right click and selecting the menu and favorite bars, only works for the user logged in.

I want those two menus to show up as default, so the new browser matches the old settings.

Does anyone know a registry key that I can create that will keep the Menu and Favorites bar displayed for all users?


Best Answer

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MINIE
  • LinksBandEnabled to 1
  • AlwaysShowMenus to 1

.reg file

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MINIE]

Use a GPO to deploy that to all users, or however you want to force the keys.

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