Windows – I can not start Eclipse anymore


Today, I can not start Eclipse anymore. It worked fine yesterday, then I got a few Windows Updates before turning off the computer. And I also updated to the latest Java RE 1.6_u20 yesterday, but Eclipse has worked fine after that.

When I start Eclipse 3.4 today, the UAC ask me for the Administrator password, and then the Eclipse Splash shows up for a short while, after that nothing more happens. And If I try to start Eclipse 3.5, the same thing happens except the UAC.

What can the problem be? How can I solve this?

Update: I have now downloaded the newest Eclipse from the hompage. I unzipped and tryed to start, but I get the same symptoms. Isn't it compatible with the newest JRE 1.6_u20?

Update 2: I have tried many things now, but I can not run Eclipse without UAC asking for the Administrator password. And Eclipse doesn't find my printer. Something is wrong with my Eclipse setup. I have tried to download Eclipse again, but it doesn't even start. It could be something with my JRE configuration too. Any suggestions?

If I log in as Administrator on my computer start Eclipse, then UAC still pops up and says "An unidentified program wants access to your computer" (translated by me), and I have to agree before Eclipse starts.

Update 3: It seem to be a problem with JRE on my computer, see I can not start a .jar-file by double-clicking, only from command-line in Windows. Any suggestions?

Best Answer

Edit your eclipse.ini file and add/change -vm option and then start eclipse.exe


You can find more information about these settings on stackoverflow

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