Windows – HTTP Error 503 on IIS 7.5 after SP Install

iisserviceswindows 7

I have Windows 7 professional 32-bit with IIS 7.5 installed and configured. I installed the SP1 for Win 7 and since then the IIS is no more working. Even for simple queries like localhost/a.htm (where a.htm is a html file inside under c:\inetpub\wwwroot) leads me to the error:

HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.

The IIS worked fine up to SP1 (I have a lot of ASP.NET2/.NET 4 applications on it). I uninstalled the SP1, the same happens. What should I do?


Best Answer

Sounds like your app pool(s) is/are not starting. Open IIS Manager and click on Application Pools, then check the Status column and make sure the all say Started (or at least your DefaultAppPool says Started). If it's not started, right-click on the app pool and choose Start. If you get an error let us know what it is.

Also, what does it say in your application event log?

If a site/virtual directory is configured as an application then the associated app pool must be started and functional in order for it to serve any resource, static or not. Otherwise you'll get a 503 response error. Is the identity of your app pools set to your account? Sounds like you have account corruption happening. Try creating a new (administrator) account and set your app pool to run using that account and see if they start going. Note : Please Check the User who is operating IIS & App Pool should same or assign Network Service User for App pool.

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