Windows – How view owner of file on Windows XP with command line tools


I use

cmd# dir uuid.vbs /q /s
15.08.2011  16:52                83 HOST\user           uuid.vbs

but this not work for Windows shares which mounted by:

cmd# net use t: \\\distr

It take output like:

cmd# dir wget.later /q /s
15.08.2011  09:16                66 ...                 wget.later

Also when in Explorer check Properties ==> Security you can see list of users/groups that have some permition for this file.

How can I list owner or users/groups which have permition on file from command line? May be VB/JS-scrips allow this (as come starting from Win2000)?

Best Answer

Use cacls filename. It will give the access information of the file.

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