Windows – How to use sysocmgr.exe on windows 7

windows 7

I have the following script to run:

;sysocmgr.exe /i:sysoc.inf /u:InstallMsmq.bat
;GOTO Finished

msmq_Core = ON
msmq_LocalStorage = ON
msmq_ADIntegrated = OFF
msmq_TriggersService = OFF
msmq_HTTPSupport = OFF
msmq_RoutingSupport = OFF
msmq_MQDSService = OFF


When I try to run it on my Windows 7 Machine it fails with this error:

'sysocmgr.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

I can't seem to find the sysocrmgr.exe file on my system. Is there a way to make this "Go" under windows 7?

Best Answer

sysocmgr.exe has been replaced in Windows Vista and upwards with pkgmgr.exe

You will have to change your script quite considerably to use it. It uses an XML formatted file for unattended installations of windows features.

Microsoft TechNet has a section all about it: