Windows – How to use Google Drive with data stored on a NAS (network drive)


I have used Google Drive for backups for a while now (yes…I do encrypt certain files locally). I was in the situation where I had plenty of local storage and just moved my Google Drive directory onto my storage drive.

I have recently changed to a laptop with only 256GB of local storage and have a NAS with plenty of space. I obviously do not have the local storage to effectively use Google Drive and NEED it installed on the NAS. I have tried symlinks and directly putting the Drive directory on the NAS…both failed (it seems symlinks and network drives are not supported). I have also attempted in a VMware Fusion created Windows 8 VM map a shared directory to a drive letter and Google Drive it still failed for the same reason as the OS X network location.

Any ideas on how to get my Google Drive directory on the NAS? I did at one point put a VM on the NAS itself which effectively puts the storage on the NAS, but the performance was as expected…horrible. If I could possibly "trick" Windows or OS X into thinking that a certain directory was local it would work, but I do not know how to do this.

Best Answer

Insync is a Google Drive client that allows you to use a networked drive for your Google Drive sync:

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