Windows – How to use an MSI installer property in condition message in WiX installer


I want to use an MSI installer property in a condition message in a WiX installer. This MSI property is set by a C++ custom action. I can set and get the same MSI property and value before calling the condition message, but it is failing when I use it in condition message.

My condition message is looks like

<CustomAction Id="CustomAction1" BinaryKey="CustomDLL"
              DllEntry="CustomAction1" Execute="immediate" Return="check" />

 <Custom Action="CustomAction1" Before="LaunchConditions">Not Installed</Custom>

<InstallExecuteSequence >
 <Custom Action="CustomAction1" Before="LaunchConditions">Not Installed</Custom>

<Condition Message="message comes here.">
 <![CDATA[(MyProperty= "NO")]]>

Here this MyProperty is a string and returns either YES or NO, and it is set by C++ CA and this condition is failing in both cases. But I want to show this message only when the MyProperty is set to "NO".

So how do I use my custom MSI property in a condition message that was set by a custom action?

Best Answer

I would try to UPPERCASE the property MyProperty to make it a PUBLIC property, and then I would also declare it in your WiX source via a Property Element and set the Secure attribute to Yes and see if that helps. The WiX markup:

<Property Id='MYPROPERTY' Secure='yes' />

I would also retrieve the property after you set it in your C++ custom action to determine if it has been set correctly (it could be blank). Using VBScript you can retrieve the property very easily. Here is a sample (VBScript helps avoid any compilation and you can embed the source in the custom action - great for testing purposes - and use it only for testing purposes):

MsgBox Session.Property("MYPROPERTY")

As a WiX element, something like this (can't test right now - give it a try - remember to insert in the InstallUISequence or InstallExecuteSequence):

<CustomAction Id="Test" Script="vbscript">
   <![CDATA[MsgBox Session.Property("MYPROPERTY")]]>

I believe this should help you sort out what the problem really is.

You can use the WiX Property element to test the condition by hard coding a value outright (in case the C++ code set property call is the problem). The following should make your launch condition evaluate to false (triggering the message you specified to show):

<Property Id='MYPROPERTY' Secure='yes' Value="YES" />
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