Windows – How to update Java 32 & 64 bit on windows8.1

32-bit64-bitjavawindowswindows 8

My operating system is Windows 8.1 (64 bit). Avast has been complaining that the Java installed is out of date. Occasionally, a popup comes on asking to update Java (it looks legit) and I press "ok". But it doesn't seem to do anything (repeating itself every day or so). Checking the list of installed programs in my control panel I found this,

enter image description here

I think it means that I have both 32 and 64bit versions of Java installed. How do I update these?

A generic search finds this question –
How do I have Java auto-update for both 32-bit and 64-bit?

Which tells me that auto-update is unavailable for 64bit releases of Java. So, how do I do this manually? Should I uninstall the current Java runtime and then reinstall the new one, or can I just download the latest installer, run it and hope that it does an in-place install?

Some detailed step-by-step instructions meant for an idiot would be appreciated (if it's not asking for much).

Best Answer

Remove both the 32 and 64 bit Java installations, then go to the Java site and download the 32 bit binary and install it, you shouldn't need the 64 bit binary, so I recommend not installing that unless there is a specific reason to do so.