Windows – How to take advantage of multiple NICs in Server 2008 R2 Storage addition to improve speed transfer

nasnetworkingwindows server 2008windows-server-2008-r2

I am running Windows Server 2008 R2 Server edition on a server that has 2 identical Intel 1000MB network interfaces. Is there any way to link these in order to improve network copy over LAN?

I noticed that when the server is running backup (copying files from its own storage to another network location) or I have multiple clients downloading ISOs (4.8GB each) the transfer speed gets significant hit.

Best Answer

This is called NIC teaming and is hardware/software based, not Windows based. You'll need to get the correct software for your hardware configuration (For example use Broadcom Advanced Control Suite if you have Broadcom NetXtreme adapters). If you tell us your hardware configuration we could provide more info, maybe.

This link is helpful (Section 2.2):

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