Windows – How to take a screenshot of an entire scroll element


I searched the Internet to find a way to do it,
but I didn’t find anything that works.

I use the web version of Tinder app. There's a chat section inside a div and I want to take a pic of the entire chat in just one shot. The div element, which has a scroll function, is inside of this red border:

Screenshot of the page

I usually use Chrome, but I can use Firefox or any browser that could do it. Is it possible?

Best Answer

OK. I had an insight and could solve the problem, hehe.

I went to div properties and changed the 'height' in CSS to 500%. Voilà! Then I could use "Screenshot Node" feature on Firefox. It was not working before because the height was on 100% so the screenshot node only toke the visible part on screen, not all element :D

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