Windows – How to sync files on Windows 7 so Dropbox notices the changes

dropboxmklinkwindows 7

I want a file on my hard drive in Windows 7 to sync to my public dropbox folder.

I can do this with:

mklink /H "c:\dropbox\Public\test.txt" "c:\data\test.txt"

And the first time after I do this, the file c:\dropbox\Public\test.txt is indeed created, and is available online via

And when I update the file c:\data\test.txt then indeed the file c:\dropbox\Public\test.txt reflects the changes, however: does not reflect the changes since DropBox somehow doesn't get the information that that file was changed.

What is a workaround or another solution to this so that any changes in the original file is also reflected in the dropbox URL link?

Best Answer

I'm using a folder symlink instead, and putting my files under that symlinked folder, and do not experience your problem so far, I think its easier than put a symlinked file(s) to a dropbox folder

Just a suggestion, use mklink /D to symlink a folder :)

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