Windows – How to switch mouse acceleration on and off more easily


When I work in Windows XP and 7 I want mouse acceleration to be on using the default settings. However, when I'm using some applications like Photoshop or games such as First Person Shooters I need it to be turned off.

I'm currently switching it on and off by opening the mouse settings dialog box and turning it on or off there but that is getting really, really old. Especially if I boot up Team Fortress 2, join a server only to realize I forgot to turn it off so I have to close it down and do it all again. Very old.

I tried creating two reg files that changed the needed values in HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Mouse, that did not work. There must be something needed for the change to trigger.

So I'm looking for an alternative. A keyboard shortcut would probably be the most simple and reliable way to do it, such as ALT+F11 to turn it off, ALT+12 to turn it on, or even better, ALT+12 to toggle it. I don't think those shortcuts would interfere with anything else? There's just one problem – how do I make this happen? I'm not a programmer.

Best Answer

AutoHotkey could be used to automate the encapsulating the whole process you need to undertake in a single hotkey that will go and toggle the checkbox for you, unless someone writes special software for you this would be the only way to accomplish that task.

Either automate it through a script or get rid of the acceleration... ;-)

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