Windows – How to stop Windows Media Player 12 auto playing CD’s

autoplaywindows 7windows media player

I've set autoplay to "Take no action" on all devices and file types in Windows 7, but Windows Media Player 12 seems to completely ignore this. I can't find a setting in any of the media player options either.

How do I prevent Windows Media Player 12 autoplaying CD's?

Best Answer

This is what i found when i googled for this problem, hope this works for you though this registry edit is meant for Windows Media Player 10:

I checked my other machine and found the same behavior described above when previously it did not autoplay a CD when Media Player 10 was open. So I poked around the registry and found that the CDAutoPlay key was set to 1 on both machines under [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Preferences]. I changed CDAutoPlay to 0 and things are as they were before. Hope this helps others users having the same issue.

Link to the original post

In case you have to add it, CDAutoPlay is a DWORD 32-bit value.