Windows – How to start a virtual machine via a scheduled task

microsoft-virtual-pcscheduled-taskswindows 7

I want to "start" a virtual machine (it may be powered down or hibernating) via a scheduled task in Windows 7. I cannot figure the correct way to do this.

I tried scheduling the cmd task, which works if I run it manually.

cmd "x:\test1.vmcx"

None of the applications in the Virtual PC area of system32 seem to be working with arguments.

c:\windows\system32\vpc.exe "x:\test1.vmcx"
c:\windows\system32\vmwindow.exe "test1"
c:\windows\system32\vmwindow.exe "x:\test1.vmcx"

And I tried the VMSal command described here, without an application argument (I used my machine's 2nd param, not one listed in the command).

c:\Windows\System32\VMSal.exe "test1" "||2073a9cc"

Best Answer

Make a batch file with this in it:

"C:\path\to\VMWindow.exe" -file "C:\full\path\to\file.vmcx"

Replace values accordingly, as I do not know where your Virtual PC installation is situated. Keep the quotes just in case, as any path with spaces in it will break your batch script (ie: Virtual PC).

Save this and run the .bat file from task scheduler.

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