Windows – How to Skip ‘Calculating’ Time When Copying Files in Windows Explorer


When copying hundreds of small files/folders on Windows, the calculating phase of Windows often takes a really long time before anything starts actually being copied. Is there a setting to tell Windows to start copying right away and/or skip the whole pre-calculation phase?

Best Answer

Don't use Explorer.

Whether that means using a 3rd party file manager, a copy handler, or the command line is up to you.

A copy handler is a shell extension that intercepts any attempts to copy/move files and implements the operations itself. Normally these copy handlers are made to implement features that Explorer doesn't have, like queuing up multiple operations, different overwriting semantics or synchronization, speed throttling, etc. Some tools you can look at include FastCopy, TeraCopy, SuperCopier, and the imaginatively named Copy Handler.

Personally, I use FastCopy because it maintains the semantics of Explorer's copying the best. For example, the last time I tried TeraCopy to update a file with multiple hardlinks, it didn't do the same thing Explorer did.

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