How to Show Week Number in Windows 10 Taskbar

calendartaskbarwindows 10

Is there a way to show the week number in the taskbar in Windows 10? I prefer it to be integrated in the Windows clock application that is showing in the taskbar anyway – directly or by left/right click. But at the moment I take any workaround including 3rd party software.

My current workaround is to open the calendar via the start menu (with week numbers enabled). So I don't need another solutions that opens a window which I manually have to close again.

Best Answer

You can use T-Clock. It supports Windows 10 since version 2.4.1. You can download the latest release here. Just extract then run, there's no installer

T-Clock calendar

After starting T-Clock you need to enable its calendar first right clicking on the clock > T-Clock options. In the Miscellaneous tab check on Use T-Clock's calendar and Show week numbers

T-Clock options

If you want official support please vote on Windows 10's Feedback Hub (installation of the Feedback Hup App is necessary). Many people have already reported that:,,

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