Windows – How to Show Full Command Line of All Processes


On Windows, in the Task Manager it is possible to see the command line of each processes but it is truncated.

How can I see the complete command line of each running process?

Best Answer

In cmd, run the following:

wmic process get processid,commandline

To filter for a particular program:

wmic process where "name like '%chrome%'" get processid,commandline

The other properties that you can query for processes are:

  • Caption
  • CommandLine
  • CreationClassName
  • CreationDate
  • CSCreationClassName
  • CSName
  • Description
  • ExecutablePath
  • ExecutionState
  • Handle
  • HandleCount
  • InstallDate
  • KernelModeTime
  • MaximumWorkingSetSize
  • MinimumWorkingSetSize
  • Name
  • OSCreationClassName
  • OSName
  • OtherOperationCount
  • OtherTransferCount
  • PageFaults
  • PageFileUsage
  • ParentProcessId
  • PeakPageFileUsage
  • PeakVirtualSize
  • PeakWorkingSetSize
  • Priority
  • PrivatePageCount
  • ProcessId
  • QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage
  • QuotaPagedPoolUsage
  • QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage
  • QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage
  • ReadOperationCount
  • ReadTransferCount
  • SessionId
  • Status
  • TerminationDate
  • ThreadCount
  • UserModeTime
  • VirtualSize
  • WindowsVersion
  • WorkingSetSize
  • WriteOperationCount
  • WriteTransferCount
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