Windows – How to setup a RAM disk without using third-party software

ramdiskwindows 7

How may I setup a RAM disk on my Windows 7 computer without using third-party software? There seems to be a lot of third-party applications that can do this, but I am wondering if this is something that Windows already provides, perhaps through the command line interface or Administrator controls, that is not as intuitive as a nice GUI. Thanks.

Best Answer

There is no ramdisk included with windows, you must use a 3rd party one.

They do have the source for a ramdisk in their Driver Development Kit that you could compile and install. But I would recommend going with a 3rd party solution as it will be much more robust than a quick SDK example (often example code will not be written with best practices because understandability is more important that perfect design when writing a example (whats the point of writing a example if your student is totally lost looking at it)).

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