Windows – How to set the time that Windows 7 changes the background in the background slideshow

desktop-customizationwindows 7

I've set up my Windows 7 background slideshow with a few choice wallpapers, and set it to cycle daily, nothing excessive – glad to see this feature built into Windows now.
My problem is that the change happens at 3 in the afternoon, the time when I originally set up the background. I'd like it to switch at night, so I can come in to work each day to a fresh look.

Is there a registry entry I can edit to manually set that switch time? Waiting until midnight to set it doesn't count.

Best Answer

It appears this is by design... Link (a bit confused - looks like it does it on 30 seconds, but not 10 :S )

Anyway, what you can do is manually select the next one when you first come in to work in the morning, then every day, the timer should be reset to do it at that time... if you set it to rotate at one day intervals.