Windows – How to set permissions on external hard drive in Windows 7

external hard drivefile-permissionswindows 7

How do I set permissions/ownership on my external USB hard drive in Windows 7 in such a way that I have write access to it at any Windows 7 machine?

Current situation is quite strange to me – the directories are owned by HOSTNAME\Administrators, I am user TOMAS, I am within this group (I am an administrator), but I cannot write to the disk. Can you please explain why?

And how to set it in such a way that I can operate from any Windows 7 machine. If I change ownership to Tomas, I will likely have an issue on different computer, where I use different user….

Maybe the best way would be to give full access to HOSTNAME\Users or to Everyone?

Output of calcs for the drive:

C:\Users\Tomas>cacls e:
E:\ Everyone:R

The Security/Owner dialogues:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

The behaviour you see is probably due to User Account Control (UAC). Your user do not have Administrator access unless you press allow in the UAC prompt when you're doing operations that requires Administrator previleges. This includes reading/modifying files that can only be read/modified by the Administrator group. In this case, yes, granting full access to users will solve your problem.

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