Windows – How to restore the backup files in Notepad++

backupnotepadwindows 10

My laptop's hard drive recently crapped out, and I had to reinstall everything. Before doing so, I made sure to back up all the Notepad++ backup files located in C:\Users[User]\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\backup\ .

Now I've successfully reinstalled Notepad++ (the newest version, v7.4.2), and I've put the old backup files into the new backup folder, but when I open Notepad++, it fails to restore the old backup files.

I recognize that there are a lot of existing Superuser questions that are somewhat similar to my question. But I know exactly where the backup files are and where they belong, and I have both "Remember current session for next launch" and "Enable session snapshot and periodic backup" checked. My problem is that I can't get Notepad++ to restore the backup files that are in the backup folder.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Best Answer

These backup files matter

Your text documents

  1. Locate and open Notepad++ directory.*
  2. Open session.xml file to see its content.
  3. At each row starting with tag <file you can see backupFilePath="somePath" attribute. That somePath is backup path of that file, if there was a backup. Otherwise the value is empty.

Your Notepad++ configuration

In your N++ directory*, please focus on this subset of XML files:

config.xml         - general configuraion, mainly from Preferences dialog
contextMenu.xml    - customized context menu (right-click in text file)
nativeLang.xml     - Notepad++ UI translation currently in use
session.xml        - list of open files and some of their stuff (bookmarks etc.)
shortcuts.xml      - settings from Shortcut Mapper
stylers.xml        - settings from Style Configurator
userdefinelang.xml - user defined languages

By viewing these files you can easily learn what parts of configuration they contain and either restore everything or only required parts of configuration.

If you have any problems restoring old XML files, just grab a merging tool (e.g. WinMerge) and merge your settings from old XML files into XML files from current version. It is manual work, but not so hard nor lengthy.

*) Based on your Notepad++ installation, this can be in your %APPDATA% directory, i.e. in different directory than the Notepad++.exe file is located. If you are not sure where it is, search your backup for session.xml file (or other XML files listed above).

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