Windows – How to resolve RDP Windows 7 connection problem

home-networkingremote desktopwindows 7

How could I best resolve an issue with an RDP connection problem between two Windows 7 machines, is there any kind of log file or something similar?

  • RDP is enabled on the target computer
  • I can ping the target computer, and back from target to "source"
  • I have tried "Allow .. any version" and "Allow …" modes
  • I have tested with Windows 7 "auto logon" and "auto logoff"
  • RDP works with another Windows 7 target computer (same laptop to other target)
  • I have tried with IP and DNS name settings
  • Both Windows 7 computers are in the same workgroup (home-network, no domain)
  • Several restarts of the "target" computer in between

I would need anything where I can get further details about the communication issue. The only thing I see is RDP's "Initiating remote connection" and then the failure alert.

Further network checking – due to your help – showed the network was "Public", changing it to "Home network" resolved the issue.

Best Answer

Try using tcping...exe`` to check that the RDP port, 3389, is open. Run this from the source computer to the RDP target. If it is not making a connection, then it may be that the Windows 7's firewall is blocking the connection. Temporarily disabling the firewall for a minute and then retrying RDP would confirm this. Make sure to turn it back on and include an exception for Remote Desktop.

On the target RDP system, run (as Administrator) netstat -a -b to ensure that the RDP service is running. svchost...exe`` should be listening on

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