Windows – How to reset the registry using the repair console in Windows 7

recovery-consolewindows 7windows-registry

I need to fix a Windows 7 machine that can only boot into Safe Mode. I cannot use a DVD or take out the hard disk, and there are no dates available for System Restore to restore to.

With Windows XP or Vista, I would've done the following:

  1. Switch on, tap F8, select "Advanced Boot Options", then "Repair your System", then "Command Prompt"
  2. cd c:\windows\repair
    copy * ..\system32\config**
    replace? [yes|no|ALL]

Is there any equivalent series of steps for fixing a Windows 7?

Best Answer

  • Press F8 during boot

  • Select "Repair my computer"

  • Select the hard drive that windows is installed on

  • Choose Command Prompt from the next menu

  • Run these commands to make a temporary copy of your registry

    cd /d c:\windows\System32\config
    xcopy *.* c:\RegBack\
    cd RegBack
  • Examine the last modified dates of the Software, System and SAM files. Were the files created before your problem started?

  • If they were created before the problem started then type these commands:

    copy /y software  ..
    copy /y System  ..
    copy /y Sam ..

    (the two dots are part of each command)

  • Reboot. If things don't work, you can restore the original registry by copying the files from C:\Regback to C:\Windows\System32\config.