Windows – How to replace “cut” in Windows command prompt

batchwindows 7

I have a directory with a set of subfolder, matching a name pattern, like:


Inside this folders I have some files with the same number on the name as it has been found in the folder name. e.g. the folder sub-123 contains the files


I want to iterate the folder, change the working directory to the current folder, and make some processing with the appropriate set of files. While I can iterate the folders with

for /d %%d in (sub-*) do .

I need the portion of the folder name, what matched the asterisk, in the example above "123". How can I extract the 123 from the folder name and build a command like

cd sub-123
copy input-123 output-123

inside a Windows-7 batch file? In the Linux environment it might be possible to use the cut command or any regular expression. But how should I go in Windows command prompt?

Best Answer

I found it by myself. The set command has an enhanced variable substitution. But it can't be used in the forbody itself. It's necessary to start a new bacth call context:

for /d %%d in (sub-*) do (
  set item=%%d
  pushd %%d
  call :build
goto :eof

  set item=%item:sub-=%
  copy input-%item% output-%item%

The "item" is not exactly build from the string that matched against the asterisk, but it's equivalent.

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