Windows – How to rename a user account that is already linked to a Microsoft Account

windows 10

When I first installed Windows 10 I used the option to sign in with my Microsoft account, what I did not know at the time is that Microsoft automatically creates a user account using the first 5 letters of your email address. My users folder now looks like C:\Users\jesmi when I really prefer to use my first name such as C:\Users\John.

Is there a way to change the name of my user account that is linked to my Microsoft account?

If not, is there a work around for this?

Is there a way to install Windows 10 and force it to use a user account with a name I choose?

I have already tried changing the user account name and changing registry settings to point to new users folder, but this did not work and I was forced to restore my system to a previous backup.

I now know that renaming a user account that is already linked to a Microsoft Account is a bad idea and should be avoided. See the much better solutions below.

Best Answer

Or make a hard directory link (must run as administrator) between what you want and what you have?

mklink /J C:\Users\John C:\Users\jesmi

The user folder jesmi will still be there, but you can ignore it.

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