Windows – How to reduce the height of a swimlane in Microsoft Visio 2013

microsoft-visio-2013windows 7

I am trying to reduce the height of a swimlane in Microsoft Visio 2013 using drag and drop as usual but it doesn't seem to work:

enter image description here

I then tried to change the height property in the ShapSheet:

enter image description here

but 31.7333 mm seems to be the minimum.

Is there any other way to reduce the height of a swimlane? Its minimum height seems to be locked somewhere. I did look in the swimlane's container ShapSheet: nothing caught my attention but some properties are pretty esoteric to me.

Following Devid's answer, I unchecked the height protection for both the swimlane and its container, although it does sound like the solution it didn't help:

Swimlane's protection properties:

enter image description here

Container's protection properties:

enter image description here

Protection properties of the container of the container:

enter image description here

I use Microsoft Visio 2013 Professional on Windows 7 SP1 x64 Ultimate.

Best Answer

I found the following on a another site and it worked fantastic!
"Swimlanes have margins. Go to the "Cross-Functional Flowchart" tab, click margins, set to 0. You can then reduce the swimlane to any height you wish."

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