Windows – How to re-enable cut/paste in Windows 7 after accidentally deleting a key in registry


Update: Solved

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original Question:

The Problem:

If I use Ctrl+C on a file/folder, that icon gets fade, (expected), but then when I press Ctrl+V, nothing gets pasted, nothing happens. it looks like the clipboard function of windows is not getting any input. The Paste & Paste Shortcut option always stay grayed out :

Paste / Paste Shortcut are grayed out

The different scenarios I have tried:

  1. Copy option from mouse-right-click menu does not work.
  2. Copy option from Organise item (Top menu Bar) does not work.
  3. Using Keyboard Shorcuts for Cut/Copy/Paste does not work.
  4. Drag & Drop a file to another folder also does not work, and even the dragged file icon stays on the display in faded colour, until I drag any other file (& that file's icon stays on screen) (screenshot below).
  5. Dragging a file into Chrome for uploading to Imgur also does not work. Nothing happens.
  6. Copy any text from any text file in Notepad/Word/Notepadd++/Chrome and pasting in similar type of location (inside the file) works.
  7. Opening an image in Paint, Selecting a portion of it & selecting Copy gives an error alert Unspecified Error.
  8. Selecting Send to > Desktop as Shortcut works from any file in context menu.
  9. Sticky Keys , Mouse Keys, Toggle Keys in Control Panel are all off.
  10. In all of above scenarios, Copy can be replaced with word Cut

enter image description here

Solutions I have tried:

This registry entry from from Google Results, to add a Copy To option in context menu works, but after clicking it, it displays a dialog to specify the folder in the whole system tree.

; Copy To folder

Everything works as expected in other windows account, so the last option for me could be to make a new Windows Account?

The Problem Source I think:

I was cleaning Registry with CC Cleaner, it said one orphan key, & asked me if I want to backup, I said no, & it deleted that key. The name of that key was almost similar to {C2FBB630-2971-11D1-A18C-00C04FD75D13} (in structure, not actual letters).

So, please help me to find that one Registry Key to get the Paste & Paste Shorcut menu options back to working.

Update: Will keep updating this as along

  1. Tried this solution %windir%\System32\cmd.exe /c "echo off | clip" as suggested at, but did not work.
  2. now googling "Clipboard Service Windows 7 Not working"
  3. Its ok now, as Google & Eric suggested here & here, Windows ClipBoard Service was stuck, & running that clipboard clear command + reboot fixed all the problems.

Best Answer

I suggest you first try to reinstall your keyboard driver. Open Device Manager -> keyboards. Find your keyboard and uninstall the keyboard, then scan for hardware changes to enable the reinstall.

If this does not work then try running the following command in run (press windows key + R) and then type:

cmd /c "echo off | clip"

Reboot and see if that helps.

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