Windows – How to prevent fonts installed by me from disappearing on windows reboot

fontsrebootwindows xp

This is similar to this question in SF, except that this is happenning on my laptop where my user id is part of the administrators group.

The fonts that I install disappear after a reboot. I need these fonts really badly for 2 reasons: 1. Certain fixed-width fonts I'm too used to for programming/IDE/Emacs. 2. Special fonts for viewing content in indian languages.

Any ideas on how I can prevent this from happenning ?


  1. Boot-up & login into windows using my user id.
  2. Install a new font (Goto C:\WINDOWS\Fonts, click File -> Install new font..., point to location, select Copy files to fonts folder, click OK)
  3. New font is installed. It is visible in all applications e.g., in Microsoft Word and GNU Emacs.
  4. Restart the computer and login into same user id.
  5. The new fonts installed in step 2 are gone ! They are not accessible in any application.

I checked the following:

  1. I am using windows XP.
  2. My userid is part of Administrators group
  3. In terms of windows permissions (security tab in folder properties) Administrators group has full control over the C:\Windows\Fonts folder
  4. Even after reboot the font files are present in C:\Windows\Fonts folder and I cannot reinstall them. When I try to reinstall I get an error dialog

    alt text

  5. Only the new fonts I have installed are missing.

  6. The registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts shows these fonts mapped to the corresponding font files.
  7. In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\IniFileMapping\win.ini the value Fonts is mapped to data SYS:Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts (it was #SYS:Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts by default).

Best Answer

I found this on a site and this worked for me.

If font files are encrypted (green colored) they become locked and not available after reboot. right click your font (in its folder before you install it), click "properties," "Advanced," and uncheck "Encrypt contents to secure data.

Then install the font.

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