Windows – How to preface Windows Explorer task bar icons with drive letters

windows 7windows-explorer

I'm frequently copying files from 1 server to another, each with identical directory structures- differing just by the drive letter, obviously. Is there a way to make it so that the icons will preface every folder with the drive letter?

It's very confusing looking at 2-5 different windows open all with identical displays as I'm copying from server to server to backup and such.

enter image description here

So instead of just showing "Central" for both folders, it'd display "Z: … Central" or "V: … Central" ?

I've tried searching around for this, but all I can find are "basic" Windows things like changing from grouped / condensed icons to separate icons per instance. I also found something that suggests adding a new key to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer + ShowDriveLettersFirst = 4 but that just prepends the drive letters in the sidebar in Windows Explorer, not the tray icons.

Best Answer

Explorer has an option deep in the settings called 'Display full path in titlebar'. (Due to the disparities in various windows/explorer versions, I'm omitting the actual instructions to find the setting)

This will make the titlebars in any open windows show the full path. Unfortunately, this doesn't affect the titles shown in the most recently used folders lists.

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