Windows – How to overlay an icon like the tick sync in Dropbox


How exactly do you overlay an icon? Like a shortcut icon on Windows?

For example, Dropbox overlayed the icons on the files and folders with a tick sign, indicating that they are in sync with the Dropbox servers.

folders/files with Dropbox tick icons -

Best Answer

For Microsoft Windows, MSDN describes the process of doing this here.

I found that part of the implementation is in the registry, but it takes much more than just creating registry keys and values to have your own similar overlay implementation. Dropbox may be actively determining what overlay icons to display while it is continually running in the background, using techniques similar to the Code Project linked by Paul (at least in Windows version of Dropbox).

If you're interested in removing the green check-marks (you only want other status icons like blue sync), you can find solutions for doing it in Windows, Mac and Linux here. It is from here that I partly found out how Dropbox is implementing the overlays.

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