Windows – How to move C: drive to the top of the File Explorer “This PC”

windows 10windows-explorer

File Explorer (Windows Explorer) — I never use 3D Objects, Music, etc. How do I move the C: drive to the top of "This PC"?

spikey_richie, Collapsing "This PC" would hide C: and D:.

Mr Ethernet, My Win10 screen does not provide the "Group by" option.

Keith Miller, I've updated the screenshot. I display "This PC", then I right click "This PC". What is a content pane?

Keith Miller, The key is to right click on an "empty space" in the content pane. Then it displays the the group option.

Unfortunately, I use the Navigation Pane until I'm at the right folder.

The other comments clarify the complication. It is unfortunate that Microsoft does not make this easy. I wonder how many people select 3D Objects, Music, Pictures, etc. Hopefully a new rev will make this an option.

I decided to pin C: and D: to the Taskbar.

Best Answer

This can be achieved by changing the group order from Ascending to Descending:

enter image description here

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