Windows – How to make Windows 7 boot animation show up on a screen with 1024×600 resolution

bootwindows 7

I've read somewhere that the Windows 7 boot animation is only shown when the screen resolution height is 768 or above. However, I have a netbook that has 1024×600 max resolution. I want to know if there's any way to make it show the boot animation even with such a small height. Are there any patches available?

Best Answer

You can try using BCDEdit to set the "bootup user experience" to "Standard" mode to get the Win7 boot, but if doesn't help then it probably isn't going to happen, due to screen resolution.

So here's what you want to try:

bcdedit /set bootux standard

Or just remove the Bootux value, which is equivalent to setting it to 'standard', with bcdedit /deletevalue bootux.

You can also set Bootux to 'disabled' to have NO boot screen.

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