Windows – How to make the windows alt-tab task switcher appear on the screen the pointer is at

alt-tabmouse-cursormultiple-monitorswindowswindows 7

I have a Windows 7 setup with two screens.

I often use alt+tab to switch between windows but the app switcher dialog always appears on the main screen, which may be a different screen from the one I’m currently working on.

Is it possible to instead have the app switcher dialog appear on the screen that currently contains my mouse pointer?

Best Answer

If you just need to switch to another application that is on the same screen you are currently focused on, then Win+Tab may be a better option, as it displays a switcher on each monitor that consists of the apps currently on that monitor (at least on Windows 10, according to comments this is not true for Windows 7 or 8).

The best method I have found to accomplish this on Windows is through 3rd party software DisplayFusion, which has options to handle if the Alt+Tab handler appears on the current monitor or on all monitors.

Additionally, while this question presents a few alternate solutions, though I cannot say which of those are still maintained.

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